A joint research group led by Professor Yasuyuki Ozeki (Graduate School of Engineering) and colleagues from Keio University and Columbia University have developed a technique for detailed analysis of complex and diverse cells by integrating SRS microscopy, which uses stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of intracellular biomolecules, and fluorescence microscopy, which detects the emission of fluorescent molecules. This enables 8-fold multiplex imaging of live Raman- and fluorescently-labelled cells in less than 30 seconds, more than 20 times faster than previously possible. This technique enables us to study in detail the complex interactions of organelles in living cells and the distribution of organelles in many cells. The research is expected to provide an impetus for the elucidation of the mechanisms of life and the development of drugs. The paper was published in iScience by Elsevier on Friday, 27 July.