Five members of the Arakawa-Iwamoto group, Dr. Pawel Podemski (now at Wroclaw University of Technology), Dr. Mark Holmes, Dr. Satoshi Kako, Dr. Munetaka Arita, and Dr. Yasuhiko Arakawa, have received the 2014 Outstanding Paper Award from the Japan Society of Applied Physics(JSAP). The award-winning paper, “Photoluminescence Excitation Spectroscopy on Single GaN Quantum Dots,” was published in Appl. Phys. Exp. 6 (2013) 012102. The award was given in recognition of the first successful measurement of the fluorescence excitation spectra of GaN/AlN quantum dots, which have attracted much attention in recent years. The award ceremony and presentation of the prize will take place at the 75th JSAP Autumn Meeting at Hokkaido University from 17 September 2014.